How to Play Pokemon Card Game: A Beginner’s Guide

2 Min Read

Are you curious about how to play the Pokémon card game? You’re in luck! This beginner’s guide will help you get started with this exciting and strategic game. Follow these simple steps to begin your journey.

Getting Started

  • Gather Your Deck: First, you need a deck of 60 Pokémon cards. These include Pokémon, Energy, and Trainer cards.
  • Understand Card Types: Learn about the three main types of cards: Pokémon (creatures), Energy (powers attacks), and Trainer (support).

Setting Up

  • Draw Cards: Each player draws 7 cards from their deck.
  • Bench Pokémon: Choose a Basic Pokémon from your hand to be your Active Pokémon. Place up to 5 more on your Bench.
  • Set Prize Cards: Place 6 cards face down as your Prize Cards.

Gameplay Basics

  • Turn Phases: Each turn has three phases: draw a card, perform actions (like evolving Pokémon), and attack.
  • Energy Attachment: Attach one Energy card per turn to your Pokémon.
  • Attack: Use your Pokémon’s attack to damage the opponent’s Pokémon.

Winning the Game

  • Prize Cards: Draw a Prize Card each time you knock out an opponent’s Pokémon.
  • Victory Conditions: Win by drawing all Prize Cards, knocking out all opponent’s Pokémon, or if your opponent can’t draw a card at the start of their turn.

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