BS, also known as Cheat or Bluff, is a fun and deceptive card game. Here’s how to play:
- Players and Deck: Gather 3-6 players and use a standard 52-card deck.
- Objective: Be the first to get rid of all your cards.
- Setup: Deal all cards evenly among players. Players organize their hand privately.
- Gameplay:
- Player 1 places 1 or more cards face-down and announces them (e.g., “Two 3s”).
- The next player must place cards of the next rank (e.g., 4s).
- Players can bluff, but opponents may call “BS!”. If caught, reveal the cards. If lying, pick the pile; if truthful, the accuser picks the pile.
- Winning: The game continues until one player has no cards left.