How to Play Spit the Card Game: A Quick Guide

1 Min Read

Spit, also known as Slam, is a fast-paced card game for two players. Here’s a quick guide to get started.

  • Shuffle and deal the deck equally between two players.
  • Each player arranges five piles in front of them: 1 card in the first pile, 2 in the second, up to 5 in the fifth. The top card in each pile is face-up.
  • Place the remaining cards in two equal spit piles between the players.
  • Both players simultaneously flip the top card from their spit piles into the center.
  • Players race to play cards from their piles onto the center cards, matching by one rank higher or lower (e.g., a 3 on a 4 or 2).
  • When stuck, both players place a new spit card in the center and continue.
  • The first player to deplete all their piles wins!

Enjoy the fun and speed of Spit!

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